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About Compass 

Compass Education is the main communication dn information platform used at Freshwater Bay PS. We use Compass to Communicate with your child's teacher, view schedules, provide consent and payment for events and be informed of school and class updates.  For more information and to download the APP visit

Absentees, late arrivals and appointments

​Parents are to advise the school of all absences before 8.30am otherwise parents will receive an SMS indicating their child is not at school. Parents can log onto Compass and Add an Attendance note, explaining why their child will not be attending that day or will be late. They will also need to email their child's class teacher and 


Students who arrive late or return to school after an appointment are required to sign in at the front office on the COMPASS kiosk and take a card to their class teacher. If this does not occur there will be an unexplained absence noted on the child's file.


Download Compass


Click below to download the Compass Education APP  

For frequently asked questions visit 

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