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Friendly Schools Plus


At Freshwater Bay, we are dedicated to improving the social-emotional experience of children. Friendly Schools Plus is a holistic initiative, which was implemented in 2021, providing students, staff and parents with information and tools needed to enrich student social-emotional wellbeing. 

Friendly Schools Plus is a multi-component, evidence-based initiative, supporting the whole school community to build social skills, create supportive environments and significantly reduce bullying in our community. For students, it includes activities such as stories, literature, co-operative games, role-play, problem solving, and reflection.

Physical Education Program


The Physical Education program at Freshwater Bay Primary School emphasises participation and inclusion, teaching students how to be part of a healthy, active population. Students in years 1-6 participate in one hour of Physical Education each week, along with weekly dance and daily morning fitness initiatives. Our comprehensive Physical Education program focuses on the progressive development and refinement of body management, locomotion and object control skills within a variety of sporting contexts.



On enrolment, students are placed in one of four Houses. These are;

  • Sutton (red)

  • Kirwan (green)

  • Crowdy (yellow)

  • Briggs (blue)

Every second Friday, students are required to wear their House Shirts.

Events and Sports Activities           

Term 1

  • Faction Swimming Carnival (Years 3-6)

  • Interschool Swimming Carnival

  • Before-school swimming training sessions are coached and managed by parent volunteers to prepare children for the interschool swimming carnival and to promote camaraderie and team spirit.

  • In-term Beach Swimming lessons at Cottesloe Beach (Years 5-6)

Term 2 

  • Faction Cross Country Carnival (Years 1-6)

  • Interschool Cross Country Carnival

  • Claremont Regional Schools Lightning Carnival (Years 5-6) - netball, hockey, AFL football and soccer.

Term 3

  • State Cross Country

  • Faction Track Carnival (Years 3-6)

  • Faction Athletics Carnival (Years PP-6)

  • Before-school athletics training sessions

  • Interschool Athletics Carnival

Term 4

  • In-term Swimming Lessons at Claremont Pool (Years PP-4)

Year-round initiatives

Daily morning fitness
A structured whole-school daily fitness program operates 4 days per week encouraging students to participate in organised activities that focus on alternate sporting skills.

Running Club

Students from Years 3-6 are invited to participate in Running Club every Wednesday morning from 8am; rain, hail or shine. Running Club encourages students (and staff) to improve their cardiovascular endurance and caters to all levels of ability.


Edu-Dance  is a creative hip-hop dance program that provides children with the opportunity to be part of a fun and energetic dance program. The program fulfils the Physical and Health outcome requirements (Dance element) for students, and covers many other aspects such as coordination, musical appreciation and self-confidence, and gives many children the opportunity to experience the excitement of performing in front of an audience. Most importantly it is promoted as a program for fitness and fun. Edu-Dance is provided for children in Years 1-5 each year with a great concert at the end of the program.

Tennis Factory

Operates before school on Monday and Friday mornings and is played on smaller courts with modified equipment, including lighter racquets, lower nets and low compression balls that don’t bounce too high 

 Y 1 – 6, the running focus will be on the Cross Country Carnival in Week 6.  Students will take the beginning of every PE lesson in the lead up to the event practicing their running.  They will either work towards their personal goal of more running than walking or focus on improving their time every week.   

In the 2nd part of the lesson, students will move onto Soccer (Y 1 – 2), Netball (Y 3 – 4) or a combination of their Lightning Carnival sports (Y 5-6) with a 2 week focus on each one; Netball, AFL, Hockey and Soccer.  

Y 1 – 2 students will be focussing on mini games in Soccer that help them to work on their kicking skills (passing) and running to space to receive the ball and kick in the direction of their goal.  

Y 3 – 4 students will be learning the stepping, distance and non-contact rules in Netball in the context of mini games of 5 a side.

Y 5 – 6 students will have 2 weeks on the Lightning Carnival sports to refresh their memories about these invasion games.  The lightning carnival is on Wednesday 21st June, in Week 9.

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